Multiwinia on my Dock

Ryan FarmerTechLeave a Comment

Every mac person immediately knows I am referring to a shortcut on my dock to an application somewhere on my computer. I just read the title and imagine everybody else wondering how I am on a dock? What is Multiwinia? And what is it doing on a dock? If you are not a gamer, or not interested in the subject at all. Don’t read this post. You will probably be bored out of your mind and then not want ot come back and read any of my more meaningful posts in the future. Thanks!

Well, this is (currently) my favorite indie game. It is for Mac and PC so I can potentially run it on whichever partition I currently feel serves my interests better. An awesome hit since day 1, the small UK company, Introversion, produced this game in late 2008. I got this game as a “freebie” in the latest MacHeist bundle this past spring while my entertainment habits were changing rapidly. I guess this is part of my actual confession to an addiction; that there has always been an eagerness to curb my appetite for something new in this field. However, I would want to include here the natural humans’ desire in every emotion to never be satisfied of cravings. (Am I trying to justify myself?) But anyways, here goes my first attempt to post on a video game.

Pew, Pew

Pew, Pew


Line of Formations

Line of Formations

Attacking Formation

Attacking Formation

Formations are an easy way to keep your ‘winians in order and not just to wander off and get into trouble! They slow down the overall speed of movement over the landscape, but they have greater distance and accuracy and firepower. I have found that these formations work better as a defence instead of an offence. This is suprising since the game itself introduces them to you as an offensive power in the tutorials.

I don’t want this post to be any longer. I will probably make another part to it soon. So, I will leave you with a screenshot of a failed attempt of an invasion of an island.



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